Tantric zenses

Relaxation, deepening awareness, caresses and often also healing are crucial aspects in this special session. 

To make this all able we create a safe and sacred space together and we’d take sufficient time for that, attuning one another and the energy. 

Sound, candle-light and scents in a carefully decorated room enlighten your Being, deepens your sensitivity and align you with your feelings and your Heart, inviting you to dive deeper. . . In that space where everything is good already, experiencing that you are the answer to desire itself already. . .

Meditation is importing to come to that place. I am taking you on a meditative, personalized journey to have you experience the Tantric flow, the energy. After that we melt the energy of you and me together, merging the Hearts in a full and effortless breath. I will be doing this in a respectfull ritual so that it will feel very natural and connected to surrender to soft, sensual sensations I will bring to your whole being.

Only for those who are able to receive me and my energy in the fullness of the Now, the only real existing moment. Do you hear the calling from your Soul, than please feel welcome!

Realise: However we work with sexual energy, Tamtra is not specifically about sexual acts. We’ll be clear about this so that noone finds himself in a surprisingly situation.
Know: This session takes at least 2 hours, and 2,5 hour for a first meeting. Three hours or longer is also possible. (let me know in advance when you make the reservation)

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Exchange/payment:2 hour session: € 160,- (* € 152,-)
2½ hour session € 195,- (* € 185,25)
3 hour session € 230,- (* € 218,50)During the nighttime as from 18 hour I kindly ask you to pay € 20,- extra in the total amount.
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• Discount for digital payment:
Discount of 5%, only when you make an in advance payment of 3 days before the session or earlier.

• Payment-information:
NL40 INGB 0006 9212 20 – Awaking Zenses Massage in Den Haag. Please mention the sessionname if possible and the date of the appiontment.