Magic truffles zenses

A hallucinogenic truffle-experience which is only suitable for stable and psychic sane voyagers in need of expansion of their awareness, who would like to explore new worlds, who are in need of clarity concerning a certain theme or for those who would like to heal,

During a journey you can get a clear insight, a look into whole different worlds of lifes even and your personal themes might come by.

Perfectly synchonised with your needs of that certain moment, in what you are allowed to see, to know, to feel, to experience or to heal. The plant-teacher is there to help us expand and grow.

We will be preparing this journey carefully and thoroughly because this is crucial to the nature (both the atmosphere and the content) of the journey you will be making.

Smudging with burning sage is on of the rituals to clear our aura’s, clearifying your journeys intention, a meditation and asking the spirits for guidance.
I will be there in the background, devoted and caring, holding the space and caring for you wherever needed.

Before this session can take place we will be holding an intake to determine wheter this is a suitable way for you to go.

This sacred journey takes between 4 and 6 hours and together with preparing ceremony and aftercare/ a little bite to ground you can reserve an entire day for this. (it is recommended not to plan anything else during and around this day)

You can also book this session in Amsterdam/ De Bogen near Central Station Amsterdam.

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Exchange:  Investment for ca. 8 hours € 460,- incl. truffles and a light meal/ bites afterwardsDuring the nighttime as from 18h and during the weekends an extra amount of € 20,- will be charged for this session.
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• Payment-information:
NL40 INGB 0006 9212 20 – Awaking Zenses Massage in Den Haag. Please mention the sessionname if possible and the date of the appiontment.

• Discount for digital payment:
Discount of 5%, only when you make an in advance payment of 3 days before the session or earlier.